What leadership
do we need
in these times?
3-5 October 2019 BUFA Berlin
& 5-6 October Start-up Village

There has to be a different way
In the western world we are doing better than we ever have. Yet we more and more experience the impact of the divides. How can wealth and wellbeing for all become part of the same end game? How can we be good and do good?
Many around the world have taken on the challenge of going beyond profit, to a reality that benefits all. We know the journey will take long and we know it is not one destination. We also know in the end it will look different, than what we might imagine now.
And in the meantime, two worlds will co-exist and will have to collaborate. How do you become successful in this volatile environment?
LSF is a carefully developed
& highly vibrant three day event,
gathering global visionaries,
co-creating the new paradigm(s) of leadership
and the road from the now to the future.
It is an end-to-end experience.
When joining, prepare to be there
from minute one (Thursday, October 3 at 3pm)
to the last moments together
(in Berlin: Saturday, October 5 at 5pm).
Conclude the LSF 2019 journey by traveling with us from the city to the countryside. The full experience ends on Sunday, October 6 in Rothenklempenow.

We have been invited by the Presencing Institute to prototype their accelerator. We got to interact & create with 300 global teams working on planetary challenges in fields of environment, business, education, farming, arts & technology.
This 5 months journey, from January till May, helps teams develop new prototypes, using the power of Theory U.
We used this opportunity to reinvent ourselves, gain a sharper profile and create more conversations that really shake the field.
We believe we can no longer afford to see
impact as something you do in your free time. We aspire to serve our purpose with every decision and action in our work and our businesses. Together with you we want to understand - what does this kind of leadership look like and how do we support each other in learning to do it?
So, who is joining LSF19?
change agents & knowledge workers of all kinds
those in politics, on European, national and local level
young people standing up for the future & the planet
IT leaders & community builders
companies in the VR & AI industry
projects reinventing agriculture
creatives & artists

Do you guide teams, organisations and projects & are searching for a new way of leading and following?
Are you politically and socially active? Do you want to feel more energy and abundance, rather than fatigue and depletion?
Do you look at the world with fresh eyes, seeing the legacy previous generations have given you? Do you feel angry, and wonder how to best act on it?
We want these things as well. We call out to all of you. Let’s make it happen together.
LSF serves as a harbour where you can:
connect to your deeper self. Connect to those who came before you and who will come after you,
reflect on what is the status quo and what is actually needed. Understand what you already discovered and name it. Understand, what you are missing and what you wish to gain,
share what has worked for you, and also share your biggest failures, so we learn from each other
find tools that will empower you to act now.

Created by people
& their history
We are a global collective of people with a wide range of backgrounds. We made a promise to each other to help co-manifest & co-shape the new paradigm(s) of leadership, emerging globally and locally.
So far we have hosted two in-person editions:
LSF2017: a TEDtalk + workshop 2-day-conference in Warsaw, with 120 participants from all walks of life and geographies
LSF2018: an off-site retreat-type residential at the riverside with 50 global actors
and over half a dozen of online & offline meet-ups.
LSF2019: we move to Berlin, to be even more precise with our acupressure points. We commit to a leadership from abundance, aiming for creating win-win-win dynamics. Leadership where impact is not an after-work interest, but an aspiration interwoven into each action.
Our roots
The world is shifting fast. What seems right today, may not be the answer tomorrow. We operate with curiosity and openness. We lead and follow at the same time. We are designing the Festival together with the community – starting from its foundation, continued by meet-ups, all the way to the construction of ticketing. Seeing the co-creation process is an experience in emergence itself. What we have learned so far is…we will always be at the beginning of the road.
Sometimes known as a win-win situation, abundance describes an underlying belief that there is enough in the world: time, wisdom, people, ideas, true needs, and money. It rephrases the game we play from “the less I give you, the more I’ll have” into one where the smartest thing is to organise in a way where everyone can share, benefit, and grow. Taking it one step further, we create with a win-win-win in mind, where social good is considered as an intrinsic stakeholder.
This whole venture is an exercise in trust. A huge leap of faith. The Festival, the new leadership, the whole paradigm. There are and will be some organisations and leaders doing it the old way, and yes, some will succeed. By doing the NEW, we will make mistakes. We will stumble and fall while the world is watching. Sometimes we will think to ourselves that we should have known better or stayed at home. But for us, there is no way back. We choose to take the risk, seize the day, and find out something no-one else knows. We gather as a community, to be stronger than turmoil and build relationships that will endure any storm.
Love and Joy
As simple as it sounds, if you do not practice self-love and love those around you, your work, and your life, it might be hard for you to create a positive change in the world. We choose love as the driving force, the underlying intention of all our actions. Because you know what? We need to laugh more. Relax, dance, shake our bodies, jump, be silly and goofy. Innovation, deep connections, and great stories – this is where they are born. We are making sure we provide plenty of space for love and joy. We want your positive freak to get out into the open!
We see that our responsibility is not to seduce you with enticing visions of paradise, quick fixes, and “one-size-fits-all” solutions. This is why we deliver prototypes of the NEW, which organisations experience in all their complexity (read: messiness). We leave the subjective sense-making to you. Each of us will hear something else in the story being told. This is important. The decoding and consequences you will take away for your business are all yours to craft.
We create the Festival with a conscious intention to invite & offer diversity. From the first edition on our crowd was deeply diverse, where it comes to walks of life people take, where they put their energy & who their immediate ecosystems are. We want to grow in the diversity that builds & creates us, to understand deeper how privilege works & to be able to - in an aspirational future - work in service of all.
The methodologies, tools & interventions we bring into the space feed from diverse sources and we know this sometimes irritates. But we also know: we do not yet have THE path, that will get us to the new, so we are happy to search for the cracks wherever we might find them.
We are grateful to have
co-created this edition
based in Theory U
as part of Societal Transformation Lab,
by Presencing Institute.

Join the ride!
We do not believe we know it all. This is why we want to understand what is truly ours to do next in a conversation with our ecosystem. What do leaders need, struggle with, not find somewhere else? What do our communities, nature, planet need? How do we create the Festival not as an ego-driven event, but one that truly matters and is useful? How do we build strong strategic alliances and bring forth the best possibilities from everyone who attends? What is happening already that is working and bearing fruit, and how can we support it?
Are we doing what matters to you? Want to meet us, talk to us, join us? See what we are up to next or email us!

& our Berlin home in 2019
BUFA (Berliner Union Film)
an iconic filmsite
and an emerging learning
& cocreation space
at Tempelhfer Feld.
LSF19 is taking place at
Oberlandstraße 26-35,
12099 Berlin

& our country-side home in 2019

Start-up village Rothenklempenow
unites actors committed to promoting methods & models, that further sustainable development.
Schlossstr. 2
17321 Rothenklempenow