to join us?
This year's tickets are a little bit different...
We designed these ticket prices to reflect our values of emergence, abundance, resilience, love and joy, humility and diversity.
The prices also support this year’s focus on youth and intergenerational connection.
We are experimenting with a partial gift economy, and this is a prototype.
We understand that racism, ageism, misogyny, homophobia, transphobia and other kinds of oppression affect how we are able to access the resources we need in a capitalist system. We hope these ticket prices create a way for more of us to have a seat at the table for Leadership Festival, despite the systemic barriers to earning a stable and sufficient income, saving for a rainy day, and paying off debt.
We are open to feedback and invitation, to changing and growing and learning, and to creating an inclusive space. By testing and prototyping this, we know we have not ‘got it right’ and that together we will learn more and do more to make Leadership Festival an inclusive space.
Share your feedback to hello@leadershipfestival.com.
Under 30
100 €
This price is for you, if it allows you to join the festival. We hope you will invite your friends to come as well.
Also available as sliding scale of 75-150 €. Just let us know.
Catering included.
Paying it forward
1000 €
This price is for you if your table feels overflowing, your basic needs are met, you feel financially comfortable and you have savings of some kind. Your contribution will create space for more participants with a scholarship ticket (e.g. youth, currently unemployed or new European citizens).
Catering included.
Start-up village Rothenklempenow
Join the ride to the countryside! Saturday evening and Sunday all day, harvest day, will be about connecting to the land and the wider ecosystem.
It begins on Saturday at 6pm with us all traveling together up north followed by evening and day programme. This experience is open for your +1 or +2. Price includes an immersive programme, transportation BLN-RKN-BLN, accommodation & catering. The full experience ends on Sunday, October 6 at 6pm in Rothenklempenow.