This year we explore leadership
along these two axis:
We explore leadership along these two axis:
Horizontal exploring
- how you live your leadership, how your team works, what are your practices around information, decision making, power;
- as well as what is it that others do, what are the ideas & experiences in post-growth, consuming better and new business models
- pointing up: connecting you to your highest potential & your true talent, a creative time-off to engage with what it is that you bring into the world, and what requests your attention now;
- pointing down: connecting us to the collective and to the Earth, to seven generations before us, who shaped who we are and seven generations after us, whom we shape, to the responsibility and quest to be inspiring, responsible, brave humans and the impact we can have, when we come together as a community of trail-blazers.
And then there is the person in the middle, composed of the connection of them both, deeply anchored, ready to take action.

Adapted from the work of
Kelvy Bird, Presencing Institute
October 3rd
We open and anchor by connecting to who we are together, how we define leadership, what we are asking from LSF19 and what we can offer each other. We connect the generations in the room, the generations before us and the generations to come. Then, we celebrate a new beginning with dinner at a long table and conversation around the fire.
Benjamin Rodrigues Kafka
Mara Callaert
Karolina Iwa
October 4th
MORNING: This is where our Call for Papers' Speakers present their experiences & findings in New Leadership. Expect to hear what’s working and what has failed, engage with new language and tools, and develop relationships with like-minded leaders.
AFTERNOON: We engage what our work in the world is NOW and explore how to bridge the old paradigm with the new. As we leave the old behind and as we step into the new - how will the old die a beautiful and honoured death? How do we witness the new emerging? How do we hold our bodies, spirits, minds and hearts as we step into the future?
NIGHTTIME: The moment, when you lift your foot to cross the threshold. The disillusion of ego, at least for that moment.
Be prepared to have a very minimalist Friday night, which means:
- being in inquiry for an evening, a night and a morning
- refraining from reading, listening to music, having conversations or food (drinking water is allowed)
- interacting with fellow non-human beings, forces & guides.
Tobias Till Keye
Julianne Becker
Aleksandra Szwilling
Amanda Dählmann
Nadine Lilienthal
Frederik Denkens
Rik Rijnders
Simon Ehinger
Valerie Cathrin Voggenreiter
Fanny Langner
Joanna Staniszewska
Daniel Kruse
Jacomo Fritzsche
Sebastian Daniel Mall
Sylwia Lewandowska - Akhvlediani
October 5th
MORNING 8AM: We break our fast together on Saturday morning, starting with a date, as they do in the Sahara desert. After our daily practices we have a breakfast at a long table. We share what the night has revealed and what it means to us on individual, team and collective level.
We challenge existing power dynamics by learning with each other how to be strong allies in the world.
AFTERNOON: We decide what holds value and what makes sense. Connecting ecosystems and industries in the room & connecting across ecosystems, we form claims we want to send out into the world and claims we want to commit to. We craft scenarios, that would let us test the New right when we get back home. We explore how what happened here translates onto operations. We prepare to get back with a communication & action plan.
Aftab Omer
Saturday - Sunday
October 5th & 6th
6PM - 6PM
Let’s dig deeper! The LSF 2019 journey will conclude by traveling from the city to the countryside. The full experience ends on Sunday, October 6 in Rothenklempenow.
We actually dig our fingers in the ground. We will go out into the fields, connect with teachings of nature. Listen to its rhythms & observe its patterns. Here the links between local and regional issues in connection with global challenges become clear. The University of the United Nations has recognised this location as the regional competence center for education for sustainable development. The aim has been to act on the interface between theory and practice. The projects, which focus on the village of Rothenklempenow, offer a practice-oriented research and test space with an environment of actors of a diverse backgrounds and attitudes to land use.
Saturday, 05.10.
Arrival & Welcome, Local-vegan dinner
Fire-side dialogues with local insiders
Sunday, 06.10.
Morning: Hands-on farm sessions followed by ‘Breakfast talk’ on Start-up Campus & Actions for Future fellowship-programme
After breakfast: Vision-talks and expertise on current economical, ecological and social topics and questions. How do we lay the foundation for a common good approach? What leadership systems are there in nature? What conditions do we need for a new definition of work?
Followed by guided walk: Insights to history & development of a village in transformation - from pioneer village during GDR times to today’s start-up & innovation scene
Lunch: Harvest festival - Global Field 2000m2, dig your fingers into the ground - workshops on traditional practices
Afternoon: Workshop ‘New work strategies through silence – undo, unwind, unfold`
Reflection and Closing: How can we commit to a practice directed towards a sustainable future?