Call for Papers
We begin
with a BarCamp
We often hear you ask "How does it look like in the every-day?"
We want to dive deeper into the search with you, into SEEING the ecosystem around us and appreciating what is being done already. We know rich answers to the HOW are scattered like bread-crumbs across the globe. We call on the hive brain to bring them to the table and share what we collectively discover.
What & How
Is what you do making a difference? Have you discovered something that contributes to how we define & live New Leadership? Are you at the point where the world should hear about your journey? Then we want to hear from you and are here to help you spread it!
In our context Papers might mean:
a talk,
a mini-workshop,
a performance,
a movie,
a dance,
a conversation,
you name it.
Where applicable, we are looking at 45 minutes time-slots. If yours does not fit the frame, tell us how it would best work.
List of Priorities
Leadership in climate emergency
Post-growth business models
The language of New Leadership
Leadership in context of 7 generations before & after us
Nature as a leadership guide & teacher
Leading towards 2030: Sustainable Development Goals
Intergenerational leadership
Living between the old and the new
The death of an old paradigm
Finding right timing for impactful innovation
New Followership and Allyship
Your Application is due August 31. We will let you know the Selected Speakers List on September 10.
The Application form seems to only work on desktop, not mobile. Pardon the inconvenience.
...and celebrate!
Selected contributors will become Speakers at LSF19. You will receive a ticket to access the full Festival experience 3-6 October, social media coverage and introduction on our web-page.
We envision this an end-to-end experience, without the interruption of drop-ins. Quality space and time are they key. This means if you get accepted to present, you are invited to join the event in Berlin from Thursday, October 3 at 3pm till Saturday, October 5 at 5pm. After 5pm you have the opportunity to join the Day up North in Rotenklempenow, which ends on October 6 at 6pm.
We would like to invite you to consider with us the impact we have when traveling to an event. How can we reinvent the way we have approached travel so far? We would like to encourage you to reconsider the trend of the “easy" short distance flight, when traveling under 1000 km to join education programmes and - where possible - traveling by land. We are welcoming this initiative, started by Uni Basel in the world. We look forward to what it inspires us to do as a group. If you would like to join us from further away, consider donating to a CO2 emission NGO. We are happy to share a list of trustworthy initiatives that do great work to balance the CO2 emission.